reveal the mystery

Morocco has always been popular with foreigners – from ancient Phoenician traders to contemporary artists, celebrities and hippies.

But since the turn of the millennium, tourism in Morocco – both in terms of numbers of visitors and tourist-related development in the country itself – has risen to new levels.

Soon after he came to power in 1999, King Mohammed VI announced his ‘Vision 2010’ plan, with the goal of attracting 10 million tourists to the country by 2010, backed up by the ‘Plan Azur’, aimed at developing six major new resorts around the coast. In the event, Vision 2010 missed its target, but not by much, and King Mohammed subsequently launched the even more ambitious, ‘Vision 2020’, aiming to bring 20 million visitors to Morocco by 2020, as well as establishing it as one of the world’s top 20 tourist destinations, although it currently lies closer to 30th. In 2015, Marrakech was listed as TripAdvisor’s most popular global travel destination.

Dozens of European budget airlines now fly into Morocco, while new roads are opening up previously remote parts of the country and plans for a high-speed rail link between Tangier and Casablanca will slash travel times in the north. Meanwhile, standards of accommodation and choice of things to see and do improve every year. Growing numbers of five-star international hotel chains are arriving, while riads in the medina of Marrakech are being bought and renovated by expats

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