Little is known of the early Berbers until their land became part of the Roman Empire. The Romans built a number of important towns, including Volubilis, whose remains now form Morocco’s most impressive monument from the pre-Islamic period.

Morocco is steeped in myths and legends, many of them Western in origin. Atlantis is said to have sunk into the sea to the west of Spain and Morocco. Legend has it that Hercules forced apart Europe and Africa to create the Straits of Gibraltar, a feat remembered in the Caves of Hercules near Tangier, and in the ‘Pillars of Hercules’ – the rocks of Gibraltar and Jebel Musa, near Ceuta. Some say that the idyllic Garden of the Hesperides was also in Morocco, somewhere between the Atlas and the ocean, and that the golden apples Hercules had to collect from it were in fact oranges.

The first cultural contact between the locals and the outside world was by the Phoenician traders.Then it’s been taking a rough turn when the Roman empire had taking a like of the lands here in morocco .The impact of the Roman empire was enormous and had touched many area on the local cultural aspect on what will be known in the future as Morocco .Even on the subject of religion the land had known the  Christian evangelisation of Rome’s African .The Roman empire era ended bad with what historian give the name the dark age or the void century .

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